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1. Start your Trial

Print Tracker offers a free, no obligation 30-day trial with no restrictions. You can start your trial by registering for an account. Click below to get started!

2. Install the Agent

Print Tracker collects data from your devices by installing a small software agent on your network. The agent is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. You can download the agent by clicking the button below.

3. Activate the Agent

Once you've installed the agent, you'll need to activate it. You can activate the agent by following these directions

3. Discover Devices

After activation, the agent will begin to discover devices on your network. You can view the discovered devices by following these directions.

Missing devices?

Can't find the device's you're looking for? Try manually scanning their IP addresses.

4. Upload Meters

Once devices are discovered, they'll automatically start uploading meters! You can view the meters by following these directions.

Missing Meters?

Meters not uploading? Try manually uploading meters for your devices.

What's Next?

There's a lot more to learn about Print Tracker, and there are many strategies for effectively managing large fleets of printers. Here are some resources to help you get started: