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Custom Reports

Having access to the right data can help businesses find answers to important questions and make better decisions. Print Tracker's custom reports lets users explore their data in a way that suits their needs by allowing them to create and save personalized reports.


Custom reports supports a variety of report types, such as device, install, and meter reports, making it versatile for different types of business questions. This flexibility allows you to focus on specific aspects of your operations. To build and customize these reports, the feature utilizes SQLite, a variant of SQL that is lightweight and efficient. By leveraging SQLite, you can easily manage and manipulate their data, creating tailored reports that help you better understand their business and make data-driven decisions.

Structured Query Language (SQL)

In order to allow you to customize your reports, custom reports utilizes SQL, or Structured Query Language, a programming language specifically designed to help you access and retrieve information. SQL allows you to select and filter the precise pieces of information, while also enabling you to sort, group, and perform calculations on that data. This makes it a powerful and user-friendly tool to quickly obtain and analyze information stored in a structured format, meeting your specific requirements or interests.


Custom reports utilizes a variant of SQL called SQLite.

Running Reports


When you run a report by clicking the Run button, you are only shown a sample of the results. This allows you to quickly adjust and test a report without having to run the report against all your data. To run the report against all of your data, see exporting-reports.

You can run reports directly from the report editor to test your query and view a sample of the results.

To run a report:

  1. Using the sidebar, click Insights > Reports
  2. Find the report you want to run and click on it
  3. On the right side of the query editor, click the Run button
  4. A sample of the results will be displayed below the query editor, to view the full results, see exporting reports.

Exporting Reports

Exporting a report runs your report for all of your data (rather than just a sample like running a report). The results are exported as a CSV and downloaded to your computer.

To export a report:

  1. Using the sidebar, click Insights > Reports
  2. Find the report you want to export and click on it
  3. On the right side of the query editor, click the Export button
  4. The report will be exported and downloaded to your computer

Creating Reports

To create a custom report:

  1. Using the sidebar, click Insights > Reports
  2. Click New report
  3. Enter a name for the report
  4. Click Confirm
  5. Your new report has been created and will have appeared in the list of custom reports
  6. Click on your new report to open it

Report Configuration


You can configure a report using the report editor. The report editor allows you to:

  • Change the name and description of the report
  • Change the report type
  • View the report's schema (the columns that fields that are available for use in the report)
  • Change the SQL query used to generate the report
  • Run the report to view a sample of the report
  • Export the report to a CSV file

For more information on the report types that are available, see Report Types.

Schema Viewer

Each report type has its own schema. The schema determines which columns are available for use in your custom report. Each column has a name and a particular data type. For example, to utilize the device's firmware in a report, you could reference the firmware column. The data type of this column is varchar which is a string of characters. On the other hand the created_timestamp column is of time datetime indicating that we can perform custom date-related calculations on this column, such as calculating the number of days since this device was created.

Query Editor

The query editor is where you will build, customize, and test your reports. Each report type comes with a default query that you can use as a starting point. You can also use the schema viewer to help you build your query. Queries are written in SQL using the SQLite dialect.

Query Results

Whenever you click the Run button in the query editor, the results will be displayed below the editor. The results are only a sample of your data which allows you to quickly test your reports on a small subset of your data without having to wait for the entire report to run.

No results?

When adding WHERE clauses to your query, you might find that no results are returned when you test your query. This is because when testing the report by clicking Run, the query is only run on a sample of your data, and there's no guarantee that the rows in the sample will also match the WHERE clause. For these types of queries, you can use the Export button to export the entire report to a CSV file and then open the file in a spreadsheet application to view the results.

Editing and Saving Reports

You can change your report type, the name, description, or query at anytime. To save your changes, click the Save button in the bottom right-hand corner.

Sharing Reports

You can control who can run your custom report by changing the report's sharing mode. Print Tracker supports three different sharing modes:

  • Only me - Only you can access the report. Administrators and Print Tracker support will not be able to access the report.
  • Entity - Users at the report's entity will be able to see and run the report.
  • Children - Users at the report's entity and all child entities will be able to see and run the report.

Regardless of sharing mode, reports are only editable by their owners, and when executed, they are always executed within the context of the currently selected entity. This means that you even if you create a report that is shared with all of your customers, when your customer runs the report, they will only see their data.


Reports created with the Entity or Children sharing modes will also be visible to users that are above you in the hierarchy.

Changing the Sharing Mode

To change the sharing mode of a report:

  1. Using the sidebar, click Insights > Reports
  2. Click on the report you want to change the sharing mode for
  3. Click on the Sharing mode dropdown
  4. Select the new sharing mode

Note that the Entity sharing mode will appear in the dropdown as the name of the report's entity.

Scheduling Reports

You have the flexibility to run ad-hoc reports whenever you need to access specific information quickly. However, you may need to receive a report on a predetermined schedule, such as a monthly billing report. Print Tracker allows you to attach any number of schedules to a custom report. By scheduling a report, you can pick the interval, time of day, the entities where the report should run and Print Tracker will automatically generate the report and send it to your email. This way, you receive the most up-to-date report directly in your inbox without having to manually run it each time.

To schedule a custom report:

  1. Using the sidebar, click Insights > Reports
  2. Click on the report you want to schedule
  3. Click on the Schedules tab
  4. Click New schedule

Schedule Configuration

There are several options available when scheduling a report:

  • Entity: You can create a single custom report, but create scheduled reports that run on different schedules, and for different entities. For example, you may want to create a current meter report for each of your customers. In this case you'd create a single report and then create a schedule for each one of your customer entities.
  • Enabled: In some cases, you may want to prevent a scheduled report from being sent without having to delete the report, or the schedule. In this case you can disable the Enabled toggle, and the report will no longer be sent.
  • Report schedule: You can configure the report to run on any interval you'd like. Refer to Choosing the Report Schedule for more information on how to pick the correct schedule for your report.
  • Timezone: Many printer fleets are distributed across multiple timezones. To ensure that the report is sent at the correct time, you can select the timezone that the report should be sent in.
  • Email: You can configure the report to be sent to any number of email addresses.
  • Subject: You can customize the subject of the email. See Email Template Variables for a list of variables that you can use in the subject line.
  • Body: You can customize the body of the email. See Email Template Variables for a list of variables that you can use in the body.

Choosing the Report Schedule

The right report schedule depends on the report type that you're using. Understanding how schedules work in conjunction with the report type will help you pick the correct schedule for your report.

Email Template Variables

Scheduled custom report emails can be configured with a custom subject and body line. In order to make it easier to customize these fields, you can use variables in the subject and body. The following variables are available:

{{.ReportName}}The name of the report. In the example screenshots above, the report name is "My Report"

Email template variables are a newer feature. Please reach out to if you'd like to see additional variables supported.

Report Types

Each custom report must specify a report type. A report type determines the data that is available for use in your custom report. For example, the Device report type will only have columns that are related to devices, whereas the Volume Analysis report type will have columns comparing meter reads between two different dates. When creating a custom report, you'll pick the report type that best fits your needs.


Device reports contain only information about the device. These reports are often useful for understanding your fleet. The device report contains the following columns:

Column NameData TypeDescription
idvarcharThe unique identifier for the device
dealer_idvarcharThe unique identifier for the dealer entity (if you're a dealer, this would be your root-level entity)
dealer_namevarcharThe name of the dealer entity
entity_idvarcharThe unique identifier for the entity that this device belongs to (the entity directly above the device)
entity_namevarcharThe name of the entity that this device belongs to
integration_idvarcharThe unique identifier for the device imported from other integrations such as E-Automate
asset_idvarcharA custom identifier that you can specify for a device. These are usually human-friendly identifiers that are propreitary for your business
makevarcharThe manufacturer of the device (e.g. HP, Brother)
modelvarcharThe model of the device (e.g. OfficeJet 8600)
serial_numbervarcharThe serial number of the device as specified by the device
custom_serial_numbervarcharThe serial number of the device as specified by a user in the webadmin
locationvarcharThe location of the device as specified by the device
custom_locationvarcharThe location of the device as configured by a user in the webadmin
ip_addressvarcharThe IP address of the device
mac_addressvarcharThe MAC address of the device
hostnamevarcharThe hostname of the device
system_namevarcharThe SNMP system name of the device
firmwarevarcharThe firmware version or datecode currently installed on the device
notevarcharThe notes attached to the device. Notes can be added within Print Tracker
source_install_namevarcharThe machine name of the computer running the Print Tracker data collection agent that is managing this device
source_install_private_ip_addressvarcharThe private IP address of the computer running the Print Tracker data collection agent.
source_install_public_ip_addressvarcharThe public IP address of the computer running the Print Tracker data collection agent.
created_timestampdatetimeThe timestamp when this device was created in Print Tracker
modified_timestampdatetimeThe timestamp when this device was modified in Print Tracker
latest_meter_timestampdatetimeThe timestamp of the most recently uploaded meter
managedbooleanIndicates whether this device is managed or non-managed in Print Tracker

Here are some examples of how you might utilize the device report type:

Number of Days Since Last Meter by Device

This report returns the number of days since the last meter was uploaded for each device. This is useful for identifying devices that are stale and may need to be reviewed manually.

entity_name as 'Entity',
make as Make,
model as Model,
serial_number as 'Serial Number',
asset_id as 'Asset ID',
ip_address as 'IP Address',
mac_address as 'Mac Address',
DATETIME(latest_meter_timestamp) as 'Latest Meter Timestamp',

-- Calculates the number of days between the current day and the latest meter
ROUND(JULIANDAY(datetime()) - JULIANDAY(latest_meter_timestamp)) as 'Days Since Last Meter',
managed as 'Managed'
FROM devices
WHERE managed = true
ORDER BY latest_meter_timestamp desc

Number of Devices by Make and Model

This report returns the number of devices by make and model, ordered by the most popular model.

make as Make,
model as Model,
COUNT(*) as 'Number of Devices'
FROM devices
GROUP BY make, model


The install report contains information about the Print Tracker data collection agent. The install report contains the following columns:

Column NameData TypeDescription
idvarcharThe unique identifier for the install
entity_idvarcharThe unique identifier for the entity that this install belongs to (the entity directly above the install)
entity_namevarcharThe name of the entity that this install belongs to
hostnamevarcharThe hostname of the device
created_timestampdatetimeThe timestamp when this install was registered in Print Tracker
modified_timestampdatetimeThe timestamp when this install was modified in Print Tracker
last_check_in_timestampdatetimeThe last time this install checked in with Print Tracker
ip_addressvarcharThe private IP address of the install
public_ip_addressvarcharThe public IP address of the install
versionvarcharThe version of the Print Tracker data collection agent
osvarcharThe operating system of the computer (e.g. Microsoft Windows 10 Pro)
os_familyvarcharThe operating system family of the computer (e.g. Standalone Workstation)
os_versionvarcharThe operating system version of the computer (e.g. 10.0.19045 Build 19045)
cpu_architecturevarcharThe CPU architecture of the computer (e.g. 64 or 32)
antivirusvarcharThe antivirus application installed on this computer
is_laptopbooleanIndicates whether the agent is installed on a laptop computer
is_localbooleanIndicates whether the agent is configured to track USB-connected devices (Windows only)
reporting_devicesintegerThe number of managed devices tracked by this install that have reported a meter this month
active_devicesintegerThe number of managed devices tracked by this install regardless of whether they have reported a meter this month

Here are some examples of how you might utilize the install report type:

Stale Installs

This report returns all the installs that have not checked-in in more than 24 hours.

entity_name as 'Entity Name',
hostname as 'Hostname',
version as 'Version',
os as 'Operating System',
antivirus as 'Antivirus',
is_laptop as 'Laptop',
ip_address as 'IP Address',
DATETIME(created_timestamp) as 'Created',
DATETIME(last_check_in_timestamp) as 'Check-in',

-- Count the number of days since this install last checked in
printf('%d days', ROUND(JULIANDAY(DATE('now')) - JULIANDAY(last_check_in_timestamp), 0)) as 'Offline',

-- Add a column with a link to the install so that it's easy to find
printf('', entity_id, id) as 'Link'
FROM installs
WHERE status = 1
-- Only return installs that haven't checked in in more than 24 hours
AND last_check_in_timestamp < DATE('now', '-24 hours')
ORDER BY last_check_in_timestamp DESC

Current Meter

The current meter read report allows you to view your devices and the latest values of all their meters. The current meter report contains the following columns:

Column NameData TypeDescription
device_idvarcharThe unique identifier for the device
entity_idvarcharThe unique identifier for the entity that this device belongs to (the entity directly above the device)
entity_namevarcharThe name of the entity that this device belongs to
integration_idvarcharThe unique identifier for the device imported from other integrations such as E-Automate
asset_idvarcharA custom identifier that you can specify for a device. These are usually human-friendly identifiers that are propreitary for your business
makevarcharThe manufacturer of the device (e.g. HP, Brother)
modelvarcharThe model of the device (e.g. OfficeJet 8600)
serial_numbervarcharThe serial number of device collected during the latest meter read. This should always match the device_serial number
device_serial_numbervarcharThe serial number of the device as specified by the device
custom_serial_numbervarcharThe serial number of the device as specified by a user in the webadmin
locationvarcharThe location of the device as specified by the device
custom_locationvarcharThe location of the device as configured by a user in the webadmin
ip_addressvarcharThe IP address of the device
mac_addressvarcharThe MAC address of the device
hostnamevarcharThe hostname of the device
system_namevarcharThe SNMP system name of the device
firmwarevarcharThe firmware version or datecode currently installed on the device
latest_meter_timestampdatetimeThe timestamp of the most recently uploaded meter
managedbooleanIndicates whether this device is managed or non-managed in Print Tracker
pageCounts_*All available counter columns start with the prefix pageCounts_ followed by the counter. Print Tracker supports over 450 different page counts. For more details on the page counts available in custom reports, see Meter and Supply Columns
supplies_*All available supply columns start with the prefix supplies_ followed by the supply attributes and values. Print Tracker supports over 375 different supplies and attributes. For more details on the supplies and attributes in custom reports, see Meter and Supply Columns

Here are some examples of how you might utilize the current meter report type:

Current Counter Values by Device

This report returns the current values of all the counters for each device.

entity_name as 'Entity',
make as Make,
model as Model,
serial_number as 'Serial Number',
asset_id as 'Asset ID',
ip_address as 'IP Address',
DATETIME(latest_meter_timestamp) as 'Latest Meter Timestamp',
pageCounts_default_total as 'Total',
pageCounts_default_totalBlack as 'Total Black',
pageCounts_default_totalColor as 'Total Color'
FROM meters
WHERE managed = true
ORDER BY latest_meter_timestamp desc

Volume Analysis

The volume analysis report allows you to compare the meter reads between two dates. The default volume analysis report calculates additional volume columns by subtracting the current counters from the previous counters. The volume analysis report contains the following columns:

Column NameData TypeDescription
device_idvarcharThe unique identifier for the device
entity_idvarcharThe unique identifier for the entity that this device belongs to (the entity directly above the device)
entity_namevarcharThe name of the entity that this device belongs to
integration_idvarcharThe unique identifier for the device imported from other integrations such as E-Automate
asset_idvarcharA custom identifier that you can specify for a device. These are usually human-friendly identifiers that are propreitary for your business
makevarcharThe manufacturer of the device (e.g. HP, Brother)
modelvarcharThe model of the device (e.g. OfficeJet 8600)
serial_numbervarcharThe serial number of device collected during the latest meter read. This should always match the device_serial number
device_serial_numbervarcharThe serial number of the device as specified by the device
custom_serial_numbervarcharThe serial number of the device as specified by a user in the webadmin
locationvarcharThe location of the device as specified by the device
custom_locationvarcharThe location of the device as configured by a user in the webadmin
ip_addressvarcharThe IP address of the device
mac_addressvarcharThe MAC address of the device
hostnamevarcharThe hostname of the device
system_namevarcharThe SNMP system name of the device
firmwarevarcharThe firmware version or datecode currently installed on the device
latest_meter_timestampdatetimeThe timestamp of the most recently uploaded meter
managedbooleanIndicates whether this device is managed or non-managed in Print Tracker
first_pageCounts_*All available counter columns from the first/earliest meter read start with the prefix first_pageCounts_ followed by the counter. Print Tracker supports over 450 different page counts. For more details on the page counts available in custom reports, see Meter and Supply Columns
last_pageCounts_*All available counter columns from the last/latest meter read start with the prefix last_pageCounts_ followed by the counter. Print Tracker supports over 450 different page counts. For more details on the page counts available in custom reports, see Meter and Supply Columns
first_supplies_*All available supply columns from the first/earliest start with the prefix first_supplies_ followed by the supply attributes and values. Print Tracker supports over 375 different supplies and attributes. For more details on the supplies and attributes in custom reports, see Meter and Supply Columns
last_supplies_*All available supply columns from the last/latest start with the prefix first_supplies_ followed by the supply attributes and values. Print Tracker supports over 375 different supplies and attributes. For more details on the supplies and attributes in custom reports, see Meter and Supply Columns

Total Volume by Device

This example query returns the total number of pages printed for each device:

entity_name as 'Entity',
make as 'Make',
model as 'Model',
serial_number as 'Serial Number',
asset_id as 'Asset ID',
ip_address as 'IP Address',
mac_address as 'Mac Address',
location as 'Location',
DATETIME(first_meter_timestamp) as 'First Timestamp',
DATETIME(last_meter_timestamp) as 'Last Timestamp',
ROUND(JULIANDAY(last_meter_timestamp) - JULIANDAY(first_meter_timestamp), 2) as 'Days Between Meters',
last_pageCounts_default_total - first_pageCounts_default_total as 'Total Volume'
FROM meters

Billing Period

The billing period report has the same schema (columns) as the volume analysis report, however instead of picking a start date and an end date like you would for a volume analysis report, you specify only a billing date. This report is based on a device's billing schedule. Device's will be included in this report, as long as the device's billing schedule aligns with your chosen billing date.

Billing periods are sometimes tricky to understand, so let's walk through an example. Let's assume that we have the following devices each with a different billing schedule:

DeviceBilling Schedule
HP LaserJet M4771st day of the month, bi-monthly
HP OfficeJet 87001st day of the month, monthly

You may notice that while these two devices have differing billing schedules, they actually both need to be billed on the same day, every other month. In the following diagram, notice how in month 1 (first blue circle) we only bill the customer for the HP OfficeJet 8600 device. However in the second month (second blue circle) we bill the customer for both devices, since once of the devices should only be billed bi-monthly.

The billing period report takes into consideration this idea of differing billing schedules by device and allows you to create a single report that includes all devices whose billing schedules land on the date that you select when configuring the report regardless of the interval of each device's billing schedule.

We mentioned previously that the billing period report has all the same columns as the volume analysis report, which means that the report gives us access to meter read columns from both the first and the last meters in the billing period. While the last meter read timestamps will almost always be the same date across your devices (the report's billing date), the first meter read can vary from device to device. In the previous example, when we receive our billing period report, the first meter read of the HP LaserJet M477 will be two months ago, and the first meter read of the HP OfficeJet 8700 will be one month ago.

Estimated Depletion

The estimated depletion report can be used to help you predict when a currently installed supply will run out. Print Tracker analyzes the last 90 days of meter reads and uses historical printing patterns to make its prediction.


The estimated depletion report relies in historical printing patterns to predict future printing patterns. Volatile changes in printing patterns may affect the accuracy of the predicted depletion dates.

Column NameColumn TypeDescription
idvarcharThe unique identifier for the device
dealer_idvarcharThe unique identifier for the dealer entity (if you're a dealer, this would be your root-level entity)
dealer_namevarcharThe name of the dealer entity
entity_idvarcharThe unique identifier for the entity that this device belongs to (the entity directly above the device)
entity_namevarcharThe name of the entity that this device belongs to
integration_idvarcharThe unique identifier for the device imported from other integrations such as E-Automate
asset_idvarcharA custom identifier that you can specify for a device. These are usually human-friendly identifiers that are propreitary for your business
makevarcharThe manufacturer of the device (e.g. HP, Brother)
modelvarcharThe model of the device (e.g. OfficeJet 8600)
serial_numbervarcharThe serial number of the device as specified by the device
custom_serial_numbervarcharThe serial number of the device as specified by a user in the webadmin
locationvarcharThe location of the device as specified by the device
custom_locationvarcharThe location of the device as configured by a user in the webadmin
ip_addressvarcharThe IP address of the device
mac_addressvarcharThe MAC address of the device
hostnamevarcharThe hostname of the device
system_namevarcharThe SNMP system name of the device
firmwarevarcharThe firmware version or datecode currently installed on the device
notevarcharThe notes attached to the device. Notes can be added within Print Tracker
created_timestampdatetimeThe timestamp when this device was created in Print Tracker
modified_timestampdatetimeThe timestamp when this device was modified in Print Tracker
latest_meter_timestampdatetimeThe timestamp of the most recently uploaded meter
managedbooleanIndicates whether this device is managed or non-managed in Print Tracker
average_daily_volume_totalintegerThe average number of pages this device is printing every day
average_daily_volume_totalColorintegerThe average number of color pages this device is printing every day
black_toner_estimated_depletiondatetimeThe estimated date that the black toner will reach 0% remaining
black_toner_current_levelrealThe current percent remaining of the black toner
black_toner_estimated_pages_remainingintegerThe estimated number of pages remaining in the black toner
cyan_toner_estimated_depletiondatetimeThe estimated date that the cyan toner will reach 0% remaining
cyan_toner_current_levelrealThe current percent remaining of the cyan toner
cyan_toner_estimated_pages_remainingintegerThe estimated number of pages remaining in the cyan toner
magenta_toner_estimated_depletiondatetimeThe estimated date that the magenta toner will reach 0% remaining
magenta_toner_current_levelrealThe current percent remaining of the magenta toner
magenta_toner_estimated_pages_remainingintegerThe estimated number of pages remaining in the magenta toner
yellow_toner_estimated_depletiondatetimeThe estimated date that the yellow toner will reach 0% remaining
yellow_toner_current_levelrealThe current percent remaining of the yellow toner
yellow_toner_estimated_pages_remainingintegerThe estimated number of pages remaining in the yellow toner

Devices Depleting Within 42 Days

The following query will return devices where the estimated depletion date of any of the toner supplies is within 42 days of the current date.

entity_name as 'Entity Name',
make as Make,
model as Model,
serial_number as 'Serial Number',
asset_id as 'Asset ID',
custom_location as 'Location',
note as 'Notes',
ip_address as 'IP Address',
DATETIME(latest_meter_timestamp) as 'Latest Meter Timestamp',
average_daily_volume_total as 'Avg Daily Vol Total',
average_daily_volume_totalColor as 'Avg Daily Vol Color',
black_toner_current_level as 'Black Level',
black_toner_estimated_pages_remaining as 'Black Estimated Pages Remaining',
DATE(black_toner_estimated_depletion) as 'Black Toner Depletion',
cyan_toner_current_level as 'Cyan Level',
cyan_toner_estimated_pages_remaining as 'Cyan Estimated Pages Remaining',
DATE(cyan_toner_estimated_depletion) as 'Cyan Toner Depletion',
magenta_toner_current_level as 'Magenta Level',
magenta_toner_estimated_pages_remaining as 'Magenta Estimated Pages Remaining',
DATE(magenta_toner_estimated_depletion) as 'Magenta Toner Depletion',
yellow_toner_current_level as 'Yellow Level',
yellow_toner_estimated_pages_remaining as 'Yellow Estimated Pages Remaining',
DATE(yellow_toner_estimated_depletion) as 'Yellow Toner Depletion'
FROM device_estimated_depletion_on_demand
WHERE DATE(black_toner_estimated_depletion) < DATE('now', '+42 days')
OR DATE(cyan_toner_estimated_depletion) < DATE('now', '+42 days')
OR DATE(magenta_toner_estimated_depletion) < DATE('now', '+42 days')
OR DATE(yellow_toner_estimated_depletion) < DATE('now', '+42 days')

Monthly Volume BETA

The monthly volume report is helpful for getting a month-over-month view of the number of pages printed by each device, over the last year. You can think of this report as aggregating all daily meter reads into monthly buckets which can then be used to analyze volume over time. The default query for this report is exported as a CSV, and it's usually most helpful to combine the CSV data with a pivot table in Excel. This report does not support including children. The following columns are supported by this report:

Column NameColumn TypeDescription
idvarcharThe unique identifier for the device
integration_idvarcharThe unique identifier for the device imported from other integrations such as E-Automate
asset_idvarcharA custom identifier that you can specify for a device. These are usually human-friendly identifiers that are propreitary for your business
makevarcharThe manufacturer of the device (e.g. HP, Brother)
modelvarcharThe model of the device (e.g. OfficeJet 8600)
serial_numbervarcharThe serial number of the device as specified by the device
locationvarcharThe location of the device as specified by the device
ip_addressvarcharThe IP address of the device
mac_addressvarcharThe MAC address of the device
hostnamevarcharThe hostname of the device
system_namevarcharThe SNMP system name of the device
firmwarevarcharThe firmware version or datecode currently installed on the device
yearintegerThe year number associated with this volume bucket (e.g. 2023)
month_numberintegerThe month number associated with this volume bucket (e.g. 1)
monthintegerThe month in string form (e.g. January)
meter_read_timestampdatetimeThe latest meter read uploaded within this volume bucket
totalintegerThe latest value of the total counter within this volume bucket
total_blackintegerThe latest value of the total black counter within this volume bucket
total_colorintegerThe latest value of the total color counter within this volume bucket
total_volumeintegerThe total number of pages printed during the timeframe of this bucket
total_black_volumeintegerThe total number of monochrome pages printed during the timeframe of this bucket
total_color_volumeintegerThe total number of color pages printed during the timeframe of this bucket

When parsed using an Excel pivot table, this report can help give you a quick overview about the volume of your devices over time, for a particular entity.

Supplies BETA

The supplies report provides data about every supply (currently installed, and replaced) in your devices. The following columns are supported by this report:

Column NameColumn TypeDescription
entity_idvarcharThe unique identifier for the entity that this device belongs to (the entity directly above the device)
entity_namevarcharThe name of the entity that this device belongs to
device_idvarcharThe unique identifier for the device
device_integration_idvarcharThe unique identifier for the device imported from other integrations such as E-Automate
device_asset_idvarcharA custom identifier that you can specify for a device. These are usually human-friendly identifiers that are propreitary for your business
device_makevarcharThe manufacturer of the device (e.g. HP, Brother)
device_modelvarcharThe model of the device (e.g. OfficeJet 8600)
device_serial_numbervarcharThe serial number of the device as specified by the device
device_locationvarcharThe location of the device as specified by the device
device_ip_addressvarcharThe IP address of the device
device_mac_addressvarcharThe MAC address of the device
device_hostnamevarcharThe hostname of the device
device_system_namevarcharThe SNMP system name of the device
device_firmwarevarcharThe firmware version or datecode currently installed on the device
installed_datedatetimeThe timestamp when this supply was installed in the machine
replaced_datedatetimeThe timestamp when this supply was replaced. If the supply is currently installed in the device, this will be null
confirmed_replaced_datedatetimeThe timestamp when Print Tracker confirmed that this replacement ocurred. This usually is a few hours after the replaced_date
estimated_depletion_datedatetimeThe date that the supply is expected to reach 0% based on historical printing patterns
namevarcharThe name of the supply (e.g. Black Toner, Waste)
typevarcharThe supply type (e.g. toner, drum, waste)
colorvarcharThe color of the supply (e.g. black, cyan), if the supply supports a color. If the supply is not a colored supply, this field will be null
part_numbervarcharThe part number of the supply as identified by the device
serial_numbervarcharThe serial number of the supply as identified by the device
descriptionvarcharThe SNMP description of the supply. This is usually a human-friendly description of the supply installed in the machine
remainingintegerThe supply level currently remaining in the device
remaining_at_installintegerThe supply level remaining in the supply at the time the supply was installed. In high-volume situations, Print Tracker will not always detect the new supply the moment it's installed by a user.
remaining_at_replacementintegerThe supply level remaining in the supply at the time the supply was replaced. This is helpful in identifying how much unconsumed supply was "left on the table" when the supply was replaced. This will be null if the supply has not been replaced.
fill_rateintegerThe fill or coverage rate of the supply as provided by the device. If not provided Print Tracker will attempt to calculate the fill rate if possible.
pages_printedintegerThe number of pages printed since the supply was installed.
expected_yieldintegerThe number of pages that this supply should have printed.
actual_cost_per_pageintegerIf a supply cost is specified in Print Tracker, this value is the cost of each page printed on the supply.
lost_pagesintegerWhen a supply is replaced, this is the difference between the expected yield of the supply, and the number of pages printed on the supply.

All Supplies from All Devices

This example query returns all supply information for all devices.

entity_name as 'Entity',
device_make as 'Device Make',
device_model as 'Device Model',
device_serial_number as 'Device Serial Number',
device_asset_id as 'Device Asset ID',
name as 'Name',
type as 'Type',
color as 'Color',
serial_number as 'Serial Number',
part_number as 'Part Number',
DATETIME(installed_date) as 'Installed Date',
DATETIME(replaced_date) as 'Replaced Date',
DATETIME(estimated_depletion_date) as 'Estimated Depletion Date',
ROUND(JULIANDAY(estimated_depletion_date) - JULIANDAY(DATETIME()), 0) as 'Estimated Days Remaining',
remaining_at_install as '% Remaining at Install',
remaining as '% Remaining',
pages_printed as 'Pages Printed',
expected_yield as 'Expected Yield',
fill_rate as 'Fill Rate',
lost_pages as 'Lost Pages',
actual_cost_per_page as 'Actual Cost/Page'
FROM supplies;

Billable Devices BETA


Print Tracker does not bill your customers. The billable devices report can help you understand your Print Tracker costs, and how your customers are contributing to those costs.

The billable devices report can help you better understand your Print Tracker costs. It contains device information for each month where Print Tracker billed you for the device.

The following columns are available in the billable devices report:

Column NameData TypeDescription
entity_namevarcharThe name of the entity where the device is located
entity_idvarcharThe id of the entity where the device is located
dealer_namevarcharThe name of the dealer entity
dealer_idvarcharThe id of the dealer entity
idvarcharThe unique identifier for the device
integration_idvarcharThe unique identifier for the device imported from other integrations such as E-Automate
asset_idvarcharA custom identifier that you can specify for a device. These are usually human-friendly identifiers that are propreitary for your business
makevarcharThe manufacturer of the device (e.g. HP, Brother)
modelvarcharThe model of the device (e.g. OfficeJet 8600)
serial_numbervarcharThe serial number of the device as specified by the device
locationvarcharThe location of the device as specified by the device
ip_addressvarcharThe IP address of the device
mac_addressvarcharThe MAC address of the device
hostnamevarcharThe hostname of the device
system_namevarcharThe SNMP system name of the device
firmwarevarcharThe firmware version or datecode currently installed on the device
yearintegerThe year number associated with this record when this device was billed
month_numberintegerThe month number associated with this record when this device was billed
monthintegerThe month in string form (e.g. January)

Billable Devices Grouped by Entity

This query is helpful for understanding which of your customers are most significantly contributing to your Print Tracker costs.

entity_name as 'Entity',
month as 'Month',
year as 'Year',
count() as 'Billable Devices'
FROM billable_devices
GROUP BY entity_id, year, month
ORDER BY entity, year, month_number;

Billable Devices Grouped by Dealer

This example groups billable devices by dealer. If you are a Print Tracker authorized reseller, this query will help you understand which of your customers are most significantly contributing to your Print Tracker costs.

dealer_name as 'Dealer',
month as 'Month',
year as 'Year',
count() as 'Billable Devices'
FROM billable_devices
GROUP BY dealer_id, year, month
ORDER BY dealer_name, year, month_number;

Meter and Supply Columns


Questions? Our support team is ready and willing to help you configure your custom reports.

Custom reports supports over 450 different page count columns and over 375 different supply columns. We are always adding meter-related columns to our custom reports so the list of supported columns is always changing. If you're wondering what columns are available to you, try searching "pageCounts" in the schema viewer.)

The general structure of the columns follows this pattern:

  • Format: The format represents the format that the counter is measured in. Common formats are equivalent, engine, and life (otherwise known as non-equivalent).
  • Counter: The actual name of the counter. Common counters are Total, Total Black, Total Color, Total Copies, Total Prints, etc.
  • Supply: The name of the supply. Common supplies are Black Toner, Magenta Toner, Yellow Toner, Cyan Toner, Waste Toner, etc.
  • Attribute: The attribute on the supply. Supported attributes vary by device. Most devices support the Percent Remaining, Description, and Type attributes, while other devices might provide Fill Rate, Estimated Depletion Date, etc.

Here are some examples of the most commonly used columns

  • pageCount_equiv_total
  • pageCount_equiv_totalBlack
  • pageCount_equiv_totalColor
  • pageCount_life_total
  • pageCount_life_totalBlack
  • pageCount_life_totalColor
  • supplies_blackToner_pctRemaining
  • supplies_blackToner_type
  • supplies_blackToner_color
  • supplies_blackToner_description
  • supplies_waste_pctRemaining